HRA Recovery Plan

We recommend you use this template as a starting place to develop, with your HRA Coach, a specific daily plan tailored to your specific needs. Here are the 5 crucial components of Happiness Recovery.   

  1. Attend weekly meetings 
  2. Work the HRA 12 Steps 
  3. Find Healthy Daily Distractions
  4. Meet weekly with HRA Friends for anything fun and wholesome!
  5. Receive regular private coaching sessions with the Happiness Recovery Coach
  6. Write in your Nurturing Journal daily to stay on purpose. 
  1. HRA Meetings offer a safe and supportive environment conducive for encouraging you with being honest and loving with yourself, and empowered to upgrade your lifestyle. Trapped emotions that block your joyful presence are cleared, and we complete the evening with a blissful breathing journey to beautiful music. 
    Note, we ask you to not share your specific type of compulsive habits in our HRA group meetings because there are taboos associated with many addictions that can trigger unnecessary judgments and reactions. 
  2. Work the HRA 12 Steps of Happiness
    The HRA 12 Steps of Happiness (different than the 12 steps of AA) offers practical guidance  of how to upgrade your life in 12 ways. Instead of taken sequentially, each HRA Step is taken intuitively, guided by you Inner Power to decide on which of the 12 Steps is to be acted on during the following week. You are given an opportunity to commit to a certain action step that can fulfill that particular essential ingredient of happiness. 
  3. Indulge in Healthy Distractions
    The huge amount of energy put into acting out must be redirected.  Boredom is a slippery slope.  Fill the void with exercise, mediation, meet a friend, or anything fun and wholesome,.  Make a list of at least 20 awesome activities you want to do to become the best version of yourself. Post this list in the areas you have acted out, like your computer or refrigerator.  Proactively schedule doing these awesome activities during your most historically slippery time of day.  Rearrange your time so your slippery moments become moments of self nurturing. 
  4. Nurture Friendships
    Outside of meetings, it is essential to invest time each week developing friendships with HRA participants via telephone calls, texting, email, and meeting for coffee, tea, lunch, recreation (hiking), inspiring movies, concerts, talks, workshops, retreats in nature and other ways. Having close friends who you can be fully transparent with and contact when you are struggling, as well as laugh and play with is worth more than gold!

    If you have struggled with making and keeping friends, the HRA coach can help you shift that old pattern by clearing trapped “Heart Wall” emotions that subconsciously inhibits healthy intimacy.  Once your heart wall is clear, you will enjoy more loving relationships without being over-reactive.
  5. Receive Private Coaching
    The HRA group is hosted by a professional  Happiness Recovery Coach trained in several methods of healing emotional pain, resolving various issues,  and supporting your life fulfillment.  To support the successful natural healing of anxiety, addiction, and depression, participants are strongly encouraged to have regular sessions with the Happiness Recovery Coach.  Seeing the coach at least once a month can make all the difference between hit and miss and making solid progress. 
  6. Self-Nurturing Journal
    Write a paragraph of your daily progress each evening:
    • Answer the following questions: “When was temptation highest? How it felt to go without? What did I do to get over my desire for it.”  
    • Praise yourself for how you nurtured yourself that day and for any progress you made.
    • Forgive yourself for any slips or other mistakes.
    • Pray, call forth divine help.
    • Write 5-10 things you are grateful for. Go to bed focused on gratitude, gratitude for the gifts you received and what is to come.